Wednesday, November 7, 2007


well life is really weird lately i guess
cuz i can date drive and was so gay
yesterday cuz i wonted to stick my tounge to the frezeer
and my boss would not let me go to the frezeer
and i felt sick at work all day.then i came home and
did nothing and then bam miyas calls and we talk forever
i dont think ive been on a phone for that long. then talked
on msn for some time then she had to go. then i stay up tell like
12 (miya pls dont yell at me cuzz i could not sleep) but ya that
was my day prety much.


miyacamille said...

Are you serious? Thats the longest you have talked on the phone...Dude i think ive talked on the phone for like 2 hours.
Well i guess i wont yell at you or whatever...Becuase i know i wasnt the one keeping you up. Haha
sirry work sucked, but be a man you can do it.

miyacamille said...

seriously...we were on the phone for like 20 minutes...I guess im just terribly boring or something hahah

Calliandra Rasmussen said...

Tee hee hee....I love daydreaming Nay Nay don't you?